Resolving Family Court Cases With Help From A Lawyer Resolving Family Court Cases With Help From A Lawyer

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Resolving Family Court Cases With Help From A Lawyer

Hi there, my name is Margaret. Welcome to my website. I am here to talk to you about the benefits of working with an attorney during family court cases. An attorney can help you resolve the case without unnecessary stress or frustration. Your attorney will lead you through each step from filling out paperwork to standing in front of the judge. You may attend mediation appointments and other pertinent meetings alongside your lawyer in an attempt to resolve the case without ever stepping foot into the courtroom. My site will help you better understand the benefits of having professional legal representation.


Trying to Do the Right Thing? Paternity Admissions and You

Finding out that you are about to become a father should be a welcome situation, but sometimes it may come as a complete and not necessarily pleasant surprise. In some cases, you may have reason to doubt that your partner has been faithful, and that can call into question the validity of the paternity claim. In the spirit of trying to do the right thing and be a good guy, you may make the unfortunate miscalculation of accepting paternity without requiring proof. Read on to learn exactly why this is such a major mistake.

The Child-Support Obligation

If you choose to not marry the mother of the child, you will very likely be ordered to pay child support. Even if you have volunteered to pay a certain sum, the family court system has very specific provisions when it comes to calculating child-support amounts. If the mother of the baby applies for any type of government assistance in relation to the child, she will be asked to officially name a father. Once you are named, you should understand the extent of the obligation: you could be obligated to pay child support for that child until they reach the age of 18, or for longer if you live in a state that orders child support to continue while the child attends college. Failing to pay the amounts as ordered could result in wage garnishment, jail time, and other punitive actions.

Unfounded Paternity Allegations

Once you accept paternity without requiring proof, you should understand that you may not be able to change your mind later. Family-court judges are quite reluctant to make changes in financial arrangements that have, up to this point, been working out for the best interest of the child. A paternity test that proves you are not the father could have little to no effect on your child-support responsibility, especially if the real father cannot be located, is incarcerated, is unemployed, or is otherwise unable to fulfill his financial responsibilities. Family courts are also loathe to disturb a father-child relationship that has already formed and is benefiting the child.

Proof of Paternity

Accepting a parental obligation without DNA proof is unwise, given the burden you could bear throughout the years, not to mention the possibility of denying the true biological father his knowledge of the child and status as the father. You owe it to everyone involved to require proof of paternity, even given the probable protestations of the mother. Be sure to discuss the issue of child paternity with a family-law attorney and make sure that you know your rights and responsibilities when it comes to fatherhood.